Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sesame-Lime Roasted Radishes

radishmania continues...
Sesame-Lime Oven Roasted Radishes

Local French Breakfast and Champion radishes, soon to be roasted. 
Scrubbed, trimmed, halved and tossed in sesame oil and lime juice. 
As you can see, I've gone kind of radish crazy this year. Spring radishes have always been a  "heavy rotation" ingredient around here, but this year is different. This year I discovered something new. Something that has me, once again, chock-full of retroactive food-based regret. Over not discovering this incredibly simple dish earlier. Over being so mortifyingly late to the party. Roasted radishes. Such a simple concept, how could I have missed it???

Raw or pickled radishes are a fantastic addition to Asian flavored dishes (noodle salads, slaws), so why not give these little roots an eastern-style kick
while roasting?

Any type of  spring radishes will work for this recipe. I've used a combination of French Breakfast, which have a milder flavor, and Champion, more traditionally peppery. Their flavor will mellow a bit during the cooking process,
allowing the lime juice and sesame oil flavors to shine through.

Garnish the finished radishes with raw or toasted sesame seeds, a drizzle or seasoned rice vinegar or a bit of extra lime juice.  They can then be eaten on their own, tossed into cold noodle salad, served as a side with a larger Asian meal...
So many possibilities!

Sesame-Lime Roasted Radishes

2 bunches of medium sized radishes (about 20)
1 1/2tbsp sesame oil
1/2 lime, juiced
sea salt, to taste

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
Separate the greens from the radishes and set aside.
They can be cooked as an accompaniment, or made into pesto!
Scrub and rinse then radishes, then cut each in half lengthwise.
Place them in medium mixing bowl and add sesame oil, lime juice.
Sprinkle with salt and toss to combine.
Spread radishes out on a large baking sheet or glass baking dish.
Roast for 16-20 minutes, turing once or twice during cooking.
The radishes should be browned and slightly crisp at the edges and
tender in the center when done.

Add extra salt or lime juice to taste. 

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